Rejlers Network

Our intelligent platform to match the right persons for the right projects.

Simpler, faster and a better match

In order to identify the best skills for a particular project, we use an AI search engine during the selection process. You can not only choose the projects you want to participate in, but also, of course, work in parallel with other clients.

Prestigious projects across the Nordic region

We are looking for independent consultants who want to benefit from a large network of contacts. We have framework agreements in place with clients throughout the Nordic region and receive prestigious and exciting projects on a daily basis.

Develop and grow together with us

We want to grow and develop together with you as a partner. You are included as a subconsultant in our projects and are one of the team. Together we tackle the most interesting, stimulating and prestigious projects in the industry.

How it works

Create account

Upload your CV and create an account for free in minutes. We care about protecting your personal data and IT security. Please submit any questions by e-mail to

Find the right project for you

The details you provide will be matched with projects that may be of interest to you. You can also search for projects yourself.

Work and develop with Rejlers

We will maintain a continuous dialogue in order to identify new challenges for you and better serve your interests.

Rejlers has projects in


Everything from electrical, telecommunications and heating, ventilation and sanitation project design to control and monitoring, communications technology and energy efficiency.


Every level of the energy supply chain, from production through distribution to consumption within the electricity network.


Technical solutions and systems that use industrial technologies to streamline, automate and develop our clients’ processes and products.


Everything from total project undertakings, preliminary studies and design to facilities for technically complex and digital systems.


Planning, design and management of network infrastructure and communication in all types of networks.

Other services

In our framework agreements and enquiries there is a need for skill sets that differ from those required for our usual assignments.

Get access to new exciting projects. Join Rejlers Network!